it's such a hot day
i got up early for the driving test
after breakfast
i went to the Motor Vehicles Office to attend the exam
good that it was not hard at all n only took me less than ten mins
i got 97.5, sounds a nice number
cuz it's kind of special to me :")

after that we have to go to the driving school
there'r really lots of pl waiting there!!
more than one hundred!
so i have wait wait wait... until noon =_=||
finally it's my turn...
after saying hi n bye to the proctor
the test was done
it only took me less than five mins i guessed...
i think the time of waiting is much more than the time of testing... *___*

i passed the exams!!! >@<
congratulations to myself!! haha~~ XD

cool that when i got home
i saw my sweet parents~~~
haven't seen them for couple of days
it's so nice to give them a big big hug
n talk talk talk to them~~
i'm always a talkative guy XD (noisy?! =_=)
they brought lots of things back n lots of memories
moreover, the light in my washroom is fixed!!
it means that i don't have to take a bath in the dark anymore
then can i close the door...XD

no doubt
parents r always the best ^///^

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